Saturday, October 20, 2007

the many uses of hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide a valuable and versatile part of the dressing trolley..
let us expound on it's various uses..
1.hydrogen peroxide undergoes an exothermic reaction.
H2O2>> [O]+ H2O
the nascent oxygen acts as a bactericidal agent and the exothermic reaction has a styptic effect..
in short H2O2 is used by sugeons in a wound injury to act as an antibacterial as well as to stop bleeding.
2.H2O2 is also used as a chemical debidement agent since the effervescence of the reaction helps in separatinmg the slough it is used by the surgeon in gangrenous wounds..
3. H2O2 is the all time favourite cleaning agent of the mama anfd maushis of the hospital..the come with there mops.spray H2O@ on the table chair floor curtains..basically every possible surface and all the blood stains start to is pretty exciting watching them make blood stains vanish..even we interns use it on our gloves or aprons.
4.and finally i found another use for H2O2 it is used to bleach helped me turn from a brunette to a blond...from black to gold ..
as i sat at the hair dressers salon wondering abt the various different chemicals ..she asked woild u like 20% peroxide or 30%peroxide ...and i felt right at home, now i know why they call paris hilton a peroxide blond..
the next time the hospital cleaning woman douses us all in H2O2 i can say 'maushi there is something common between u and jennifer aniston..would love to catch her expression..[:)]